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For Customers
DRILL Training
DRILL Sales Skills

DRILL Sales Skills

In today’s competitive environment, the salesmen will hardly make it without perfect knowledge background and perfect preparatory work. The competition keeps developing new products and services and the customers are more experienced and used to choosing. What you need is that they choose you.

It is the aim of DRILL to – based on our knowledge - help you in identifying the problematic spots of your sales process and to cooperate with you on changing the observed parameters. In addition, we supply you with the necessary methodology and tactics. We focus on realization of trainings based on real needs. The main and most common target group is the group of sales representatives, sales team managers and sales managers.

Through our trainings of sales skills, you will learn how to become successful at the stages of sales cycle, you will adopt the principles of effective communication with customers, of negotiating with customers, learn to solve complaints and claims and you will get the overall tools to create and maximize sales opportunities.

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